A couple of years ago I was asked by a client if they should "Go Agile". I just stumbled on this graphic which perfectly sums up my response at the time. Basically, if your organisation has a fixed budget, fixed timeframe and fixed set of deliverables, that's pretty much what Waterfall was designed for and it's worked well for decades.

infographics agile vs waterfall 966x1774Don't get me wrong - Agile is great. It has a lot more end-user/client interaction and it's easier to pivot when required. But it's not a fix-all and it can get expensive and blow out timelines if it's not done right. I've seen too many organisations decide to embrace Agile without properly assessing the pros and cons. In my recent MBA Business Consulting unit we covered off on several methodologies and frameworks with a perspective of being able to identify "right tool for the job". Sometimes a solid option is "Wagile" - Agile-like practices, within a Waterfall project plan.

Click the image for a larger version.

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This article first published on Linkedin.